About the Hardwood Review

The Hardwood Review Weekly is your accurate source for pricing and market information on North American hardwood lumber imports and exports. First published in 1985, the Hardwood Review Weekly is a subscription based publication, with the majority of its readership in the United States and Canada. More than 50% of readers are wood products manufacturers or purchase hardwood lumber. Just over 30% of subscribers have active sawmill operations. The other 15% of subscribers are trade associations, consultants, financial institutions, government agencies, land owners and foresters. Published every Friday, the Hardwood Review Weekly provides detailed pricing information on more than 700 hardwood items, insightful market commentary and in depth articles on industry issues.

The Hardwood Review Global is the premier source for information on North American hardwood lumber imports and exports. The Hardwood Review Global reaches both world-wide buyers of hardwood lumber and North American exporters. More than 60% of readers work for wood products manufacturers or lumber re-sellers in the European and Asian markets. North American subscribers include Mexican hardwood lumber buyers, U.S. and Canadian exporters and importers of tropical species from Africa and South America. Published monthly, each issue includes relevant articles, shipping rates, market commentary, pricing trends, and the most comprehensive U.S. trade data available.

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